Derivative Valuations:
the heart of pasVal
pasVal provides simple-to-use, yet sophisticated analytics and independent valuations typically available only from big system implementations
Independent Valuations
pasVal’s mark-to-market (MTM) calculations capture market subtleties, including: OIS discounting, SOFR curve, and volatility. pasVal’s valuations are supported by the Principia Analytic System — a trusted system for official valuations since 1995 and relied upon by advisors and major financial institutions.
Fair Value Adjustments
pasVal provides non-performance valuation adjustments to meet: GASB 72, ASC 820 (FAS 157), and IFRS 13 fair value requirements. Methodology, fair value level hierarchy, and term-structure CVA and DVA support your disclosure requirements.
Cash Flow Reporting
With pasVal’s standardized cash flow reporting, you can not only perform cash flow accrual accounting, but gain visibility into historic and projected future cash positions, allowing you to be confident and proactive in managing liquidity and reset risks.